The Viber icon looks like a white phone and a speech bubble on a purple background. Choose the sound that plays when you receive a Viber. It means that the text is ready and waiting for them to open it. Step 3: Here, select "WhatsApp" from In order to do so, follow the steps below: Open Settings. A single grey tick means that your message hasn’t been delivered, which might mean you’ve been blocked though it might also mean that the person > you’re sending it to hasn’t been able to.

I did some googling and found out that a user can "block" you from contacting them but I have never blocked myself so not sure why I wouldn't be able to respond to myself. In this short tutorial, I’ll be helping you fix the Viber not sending messages problem. These usually will be just a few seconds to 1 minute after we received the message depending on size. Tap on the + (Android) or Add number (iOS) in the top corner. Another method is: Go to the message box. In the "Recents" screen that opens, find the number that you want to unblock.

Viber how to unblock my messages are not being delivered.