Underline text in inkscape
Underline text in inkscape

On the default desktop skin (Vector) it is set at 1.6 (times the font size) by default for readability. The line-height of text, in CSS, sets the height of text's line box. Most of those tag-box templates allow a parameter "|section" when lowering the tag-box further down the page. Perhaps the single greatest improvement to many articles is to lower those grandstanding top tag-boxes that proclaim, "This article is defective: fix immediately". 13 Changing font color or span style=color.

underline text in inkscape underline text in inkscape

11 Adjusting spaces for kerning between letters.9 Word-joining to avoid one-word-per-line.8 Expanding line-height for song lyrics or poems.5 Reducing line-height when wrapping small text.4 Setting small font-size of lesser text.3 Avoiding wrap of end-quote or apostrophe.1 Moving vanity-boxes lower in articles.

Underline text in inkscape